Body Feminization Surgery

Body Feminization Surgery

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Body Feminization Surgery (BFS), also known as body feminization surgery or MTF body contouring, is a combination of surgical procedures to achieve feminine body shapes. Men often have an apple shape, which means that body fat mainly accumulates in the abdominal area. Women are more pear-shaped: body fat is more concentrated in the buttocks, hips and thighs. There are several operations that can lead to a feminine body: larger breasts, a slimmer waist, wider hips and a fuller backside. During a personal consultation, Dr. Maarten Doornaert will discuss the options with you. At 2pass Clinic this operation can be combined with Facial Feminization Surgery during the same week.

You can discover the most important information through this resume download.

Your way to BFS in 3 steps

  1. Request a quote
  2. When you're ready: book your operation
  3. Arrange your travel and arrange your pre-operative tests

Finished! We'll take over for you from here.

Why would you feminize your body?

There are clear differences between a man's body and a woman's. Women have a smaller waist compared to their wider hips, and have larger breasts and fuller buttocks. Body feminization surgery can give you the feminine curves you desire. We can create these feminine curves by removing fat from some parts of the body (through liposuction) and reinjecting it into areas where it is desired, such as the hips or buttocks. If you do not have enough body fat, you can opt for breast or buttock implants.

What procedures are part of the operation?

What is the impact of a BFS on you as a person?

Feminization of the body can bring you one step closer to the body that matches your identity. The feeling of being a woman is one thing, looking more feminine can make the picture even more complete. Seeing a woman in the mirror and being recognized as a woman by the people around you – that is the goal of many trans women.

What is the price of body feminization surgery?

Prices may vary depending on what you need, but in general the following indicates pricelist you a good indication.

Who is Dr. Bart van Nimmen?

Dr. Bart van Nimmen is an experienced plastic surgeon with over 25 years of expertise in plastic and aesthetic surgery. After studying medicine at the KULeuven, where he graduated maxima cum laude, he specialized in plastic surgery in Leuven and Rotterdam. Since 2004 he has been working at the ETZ Hospital in Tilburg, where he focuses on facial plastic surgery, reconstructive procedures and aesthetic procedures such as eyelid corrections and nose corrections. Dr. Van Nimmen is known for his pursuit of natural and harmonious results, with patient satisfaction and high-quality care as central themes.

Who is Dr. Maarten Doornaert?

Dr. Maarten Doornaert is one of the specialists in Body Feminization Surgery at the 2pass Clinic. He is a plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Doornaert obtained his Master of Medicine with great distinction at the University of Ghent. He then continued his training in internal medicine and general surgery at the OLV hospital in Aalst. In 2019 he obtained his doctorate.