
Table of contents:

Insurance Belgium

Breast augmentation

In principle, there is no reimbursement for breast augmentation. Only wound care and medication are reimbursed. Depending on your health insurance fund, you can ask the treating physician(s) to write a good letter of motivation: the health insurance fund will then investigate on a case-by-case basis whether (partial) reimbursement is possible.

Insurance abroad

Are you a trans woman who wants to undergo surgery at 2pass Clinic, but you do not live in Belgium? Sometimes you can have your treatment reimbursed in whole or in part by your health insurance with a European S2 form. However, not every insurance company handles it the same way.

The S2 form, formerly known as E112, was designed by the European Union for healthcare abroad. You can obtain it from your insurance company if you wish to undergo FFS or another treatment at 2pass Clinic, but only if you do not live in Belgium yourself. Whether or not your insurance will pay for the operation is not certain. It varies per insurance company.

Contact your insurance to get your own S2 application form and then send it to us. The doctor will make sure you get all the necessary documents.

Insurer decides

Whether the insurer will (partially) cover the costs depends on the type of treatment, but also on the company's policy. Some treatments are considered purely cosmetic and are not reimbursed. Other interventions may be considered medically necessary. Ask the insurance company in advance what they usually reimburse and what they do not. This prevents disappointments.

If the insurer accepts the S2 application, the patient must submit the form to the clinic. The practitioner decides whether the costs are declared directly to the insurer or whether the patient receives the invoice and must pay in advance. In the latter case, the patient can forward the invoice to the insurer and request reimbursement. In this case, a medical report from the treating physician must be added.