Book your operation

Book your operation

Request a quote first

If you already have a quote If you have one, you can log in to book an operation.

Pay the full amount for your surgery

The operation date will be reserved for you for a week. Without payment within the set period, we will reopen the operation date you have chosen to other patients. We therefore ask for a prepayment of the full amount to definitively reserve your operation date.

Change of booking / Cancellation after payment
  • If you cancel/change more than 30 days before the date of the operation, you will lose a standard lump sum of €500.
  • If you cancel/change less than 30 days before the surgery date, you will lose 50% of the total surgery costs.
  • If you cancel/change less than 1 week before the operation, you will lose 100% of the total operation costs.
Below you can find the bank details of Dr Maarten Doornaert:
Beneficiary name
Dr Maarten Doornaert
Beneficiary address (optional)
Beneficiary address (optional)
Name and address of bank
BNP Paribas Fortis
Bank address: Koperstraat 6
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
BE57 0017 8917 8235
Your name + date of surgery + name of surgeon (! Very important, otherwise we do not know who the money comes from, especially if you pay via Transferwise, another reference is needed)
Please note that we do not accept VISA. The operation fee must be paid by bank transfer or cash.