Breast augmentation with implants

Breast augmentation with implants

Table of contents:

Breast augmentation is a significant surgical procedure, which means your body will need time to heal and recover. Most patients need at least a week of rest afterward before returning to work and resuming other (gentle!) activities. Heavy physical exertion should be limited for about six weeks.

If you are not staying at our Guesthouse: a responsible, capable adult must accompany you for 24 hours after the procedure. If you are staying at the Guesthouse: a night nurse will be present, as will Petra (our lovely resident) and the daytime patient coordinator; they will take care of you.


  • Panic Reaction—Although most patients are eager to have the surgery, a significant number of trans women experience a panic reaction immediately afterward. This is due to three factors: First, there is suddenly a huge mass on the chest that was never there before, and it can be quite psychologically shocking. Try to prepare yourself for this. And if you have a partner or other significant other around, tell them to expect that you may panic. Second, the effects of general anesthesia can have unusual psychological effects for days to weeks after surgery. And third, there may be some pain, not only from the incisions themselves, but also from the discomfort of the stretching of the skin.
  • Pain—The amount of discomfort you experience will depend on where your implants are placed. If your implants are placed on top of your pectoral muscles, your pain will subside more quickly (after about a day) than if they are placed under your pectoral muscles (a few days). Sharp, shooting pains, burning pains, or general discomfort are common as part of the healing process and will eventually subside. Typically, severe discomfort will pass 1-2 days after surgery. We will provide you with pain medication to help keep you comfortable during your recovery.
  • Swelling and Bruising—After surgery, your breasts may feel bruised and very swollen. These are normal side effects of surgery. They will gradually subside over several weeks. A moderate amount of bruising and swelling is normal. Your breasts will likely feel sore and swollen for at least a month after surgery. If you continue to have a significant amount of swelling, see a doctor.
  • Returning to Activities—After 2 to 3 days, you should resume very light activities, such as taking a walk around the neighborhood. This will minimize swelling and reduce your risk of blood clots. Regular exercise should be avoided for at least 5 weeks, and strenuous exercise (such as heavy lifting) should be avoided for at least 6 to 1 weeks. If your job requires a lot of exercise, you may need additional time off, or your normal work routine may need to be adjusted. You can return to your normal routine as soon as you feel well enough (i.e., normal movements do not cause pain). This usually occurs after 2 to XNUMX weeks, but may take longer.

Before your surgery

  • We will provide you with the following items:
    • Painkillers: Paracetamol-codeine, Tramadol, Voltaren.
    • 2 sports bras.

Day after surgery

If you are not staying at our Guesthouse: a responsible, competent adult must accompany you for 24 hours after the procedure. If you are staying at the Guesthouse: a night nurse will be present, as will Petra (our lovely resident) and your daytime patient coordinator; they will take care of you.

Keep your Implant ID card along with these guidelines in a safe place. You have a lifetime warranty on your implants.

  • Do not perform forceful movements with the pectoral muscle and do not lift your arms above your head.
  • It is normal to experience tension and pain in the chest or decreased strength and mobility in the arms.
  • No shower—It is best to leave the dressings on your chest: Wash at the sink.
  • Stretching Exercises—Once you are sufficiently awake: Gently pull your shoulders back five times an hour. Do not lift your arms above your head.
  • Painkillers—The first 2-3 days will be the worst. 
    • First line—Paracetamol-Codeine tablets: 1 to 2 every 4 hours, maximum 6 tablets per day.
    • Second line—If you are still in pain: Tramadol 50mg: one every 4 hours, maximum 6 tablets per day. May cause mild nausea and dizziness.
    • Third line—If you are still experiencing pain: Voltaren 100mg (suppository): one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. If not enough, see the nurse. We can provide more medication.
  • Sports bra—You must wear the sports bra continuously for 4 weeks!

Day 2

  • Do not shower—It is best to leave the dressings on your chest: Wash at the sink.
  • Micropore tapes—Leave the micropore tapes over the scars for 10 days.
  • Pain relievers—Same as day 1.
  • Stretching Exercises—Perform the exercises even more often than on Day 1, under a warm shower if necessary.
  • A sports bra—The sports bra should be worn continuously for 4 weeks.
  • Large Implant Warning—If you have fairly large implants and not much “extra” skin, your breast may look a little strange at this point in your healing. However, the skin under your breast will stretch and the volume that was above your nipple will move more under your nipple. Don’t worry! It takes about three months for your skin and breasts to “settle.”

Day 3

  • Painkillers—Gradually reduce the number of painkillers (start by dropping the third line, then the second line, etc.).
  • Stretching Exercises—Stretching exercises of the pectoralis muscle (the chest muscle).
  • Take off your sports bra for the first time; remove the compresses/gauze from the scar (don’t worry, there is still micropore tape over the scar!). The micropore tape should remain in place until day 10.
  • Showering—You may now also take hot showers (no baths!).
  • A sports bra—Continue to wear the sports bra at all times (except for showering).
  • Gradually resume all activities that are not painful. Avoid vigorous chest muscle movements, weight lifting, or lifting arms above the head.

Day 4 and following

  • Stop all pain medications gradually.
  • Stop stretching.
  • Take a warm shower daily to relax your muscles for as long as needed. 
  • A sports bra—The sports bra must be worn continuously for four weeks.

Day 10 and beyond

  • Remove the bandages around the scar.
  • Remove the continuous suture by gently pulling on the end. If there are small loops, cut them first.
  • Gently massage the chest and body with moisturizer, not the scar itself.
  • Micropore tape—Change the micropore tape over the scars to prevent them from getting wider. Use the micropore tape for 3 months. We believe this is better than scar creams. After these 3 months you can still start using a scar cream. However, the scar must (!) be completely closed to continue using the micropore tape at this point. Because micropore tape can otherwise cause body fluids that want to escape from the wound to accumulate and become trapped. If in doubt, send a clear photo to Dr. Doornaert.
  • Sports bra—The sports bra should be worn continuously for four weeks.
  • Resumption of activities or sports—After 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Solarium—Allowed after six weeks, always use sunscreen on the scar area.
  • See your surgeon for a check-up after six weeks, one year, and every five years.
Keep your Implant ID card along with these instructions in a safe place. Your implants have a lifetime warranty.