Planning your surgery

Planning your surgery

Table of contents:

Mandatory to arrange

Once you have received your BFS quote, you will receive login details to access our patient platform. There you can arrange the following:

  • Anesthesia form — Complete the anesthesia form on your account. 
  • Preoperative tests — Only if specifically requested; usually for operations under general anesthesia. 

Preoperative tests

Please note: preoperative examinations or tests will only be necessary if we see reason to do so based on your completed anesthesia form. These are the possible tests that may be requested:

  • Electrocardiogram — Only necessary if you are over 60 years old and are having surgery under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with deep sedation. Please upload the report to the patient platform at least one month before the surgery, so that we can prepare and assess the situation.
  • Blood test
    • Only if you are older than 60 years is a mandatory blood test required in advance. Please upload the results to the patient platform at least 1 month before your operation. We really need the results of these tests, as our anesthesiologists will not be able to administer anesthesia without them. The tests we need are: Hb, hematocrit, APTT/PTTT, platelets, fibrinogen, creatinine, urea, electrolytes (e.g. potassium, sodium, chloride), HIV and hepatitis C. If your doctor needs a letter from us, you can send it to download here and fill in your name and the date.
    • If you under 60 years old If you are pregnant, a blood test can be performed in our clinic if we deem this necessary based on your completed anesthesia form.
These tests are NOT included in the price, with the exception of the CT scan for an Adam's apple reduction. All these tests must be arranged by you in your own country. Your GP can help you with this. The results must be uploaded to your account on our patient platform. The blood test and the ECG must not be older than 3 months. They are extremely important because without this sedation the anaesthetist cannot administer general anaesthesia.

Planning your stay in Belgium

  • Duration and typical stay — 5 to 7 days after receipt of your payment you will receive a document with all your appointments in Antwerp.
  • Transport/travel to Belgium — Belgium is very accessible.
  • Your stay in our guesthouse — For patients of Het Doktersteam, the stay in our guesthouse is usually included in the quote. Some patients of Dr Doornaert will have to book their stay in our guesthouse themselves. On the quote you can check whether the stay is included or not. 
  • Packing list — We have created a checklist of things you should bring with you during your stay with us. 
Informed consent

During your preoperative BFS consultation we will ask you to informed consent from Dr. Maarten Doornaert to sign before the operation. You can take a look at it now so there are no surprises.

Postoperative instructions

De postoperative instructions We will also provide you with this on paper.