Rhinoplasty is considered a high-risk operation, mainly due to the limited predictability of the aesthetic result. Postoperative deformities are considered the most important risks of rhinoplasty and cause revision surgery in 5% to 15% of cases. What are the reasons? A perfect result immediately after surgery can be completely different a year later. The limited predictability is mainly due to the dynamics of the healing process. Many different types of tissue are involved: bone, cartilage, mucous membrane, skin, fat, fascia, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, perichondrium and periosteum. The individual reactions of these tissues are not always under the control of the surgeon. This is especially true for cartilage, the most important supporting structure of the nose. The risks of complications in rhinoplasty can be reduced with more experience. A prerequisite is continuous education and a serious distinction between a complication and a mistake. Dr. Bart van de Ven has built up considerable experience with noses during his career. That is why he has relatively few complications.