How much does a Facial Feminization Surgery cost?

Table of contents:


The prices quoted are indicative prices and may vary depending on the exact treatment.

Transgender operations are always exempt from VAT.

All our prices include general anesthesia, all medications and materials.

  • Eyebrow lift: From  € 2700
  • Canthopexy (lifting of the outer corner of the eye): From  € 2025
  • Chin recontouring
    • with liposuction under the chin if necessary: ​​From  € 3100
    • with lateral jaw reduction (shaven) and liposuction under the chin if necessary: ​​From  € 4500
    • with sliding genioplasty and lateral jaw reduction (shaven) and liposuction under the chin if necessary: ​​From  € 5300
    • with sliding genioplasty and liposuction under the chin if necessary: ​​From  € 5050
  • Ear correction: From  € 4000
  • Earlobe correction: From  € 200
  • Facelift: From € 4500
  • Forehead recontouring
    • type 1 (shaven)
      • with brow lift (including shaving of the orbital rim): From  € 7800
      • with hairline recontouring and brow lift (including shaving of the orbital rim) From  € 8000
    • type 2 (shaven and lifts)
      • with brow lift (including shaving of the orbital rim): From  € 7500
      • with hairline recontouring and brow lift (including shaving of the orbital rim): From  € 8200
    • type 3 (reconstruction)
      • with brow lift (including shaving of the orbital rim): From  € 8000
      • with hairline recontouring and brow lift (including shaving of the orbital rim): From  € 8800
  • Hairline recontouring: From  € 5500
  • Jaw angle
    • reduction: From  € 4500
    • with custom-made implants: From  € 7600
    • and chin recontouring and liposuction under the chin if necessary: ​​From € 5400
    • and chin recontouring (and sliding genioplasty) and liposuction under the chin if necessary: ​​From  € 6300
  • Oral surgery
    • Surgery of the lower jaw – mandibular osteotomy (BSSO): From  € 6700
    • Surgery of the upper jaw (Lefort I): From  € 7200
    • Widening of the upper jaw (Smile distractor): From  € 6200
  • Lipofilling: € 2050
  • Liposuction under the jaw and in the neck: From   € 1750
  • Medpor implant
    • for cheek augmentation (type Midface Rim 003-004): From  € 5750
    • nasolabial region (Paranasal Large, 7mm projection): From  € 4600
    • nasolabial region (Paranasal Petite, 19-20, 4.5mm projection): From  € 4600
  • Midfacelift
    • with canthopexy, lower eyelid correction and lipofilling of nasolabial folds: From   € 7400
    • with lower eyelid correction and lipofilling of the nasolabial folds: From   € 6100
  • PEEK chin implant + lateral jaw reduction (shaven): From   € 7250
  • PEEK chin implants:
    • custom made chin and jaw: From  € 12900
    • custom made chin: From  € 8650
    • Custom forehead: From   € 7850
    • temporal (at the temples) – custom made: From   € 8650
  • Platysmaplasty (tightening the neck muscle): From   € 2850
  • Removal of excess skin through chin fold incision: From   € 1750
  • Rhinoplasty (nose correction): From   € 4500
    • (reconstructive): From   € 7250
  • Adam's apple reduction (shaven): From   € 3650
  • Lip lift (with local anesthesia): From   € 2025
  • Eyelid correction (with local anesthesia)
    • Upper eyelids: Between the € 1000 - € 2400
    • Lower eyelids: Between the € 1850 - € 3700

When talking about the price of facial feminization surgery, there is no 'one size fits all' answer. The reason for this is that everyone has their own unique facial features and their own specific wishes. The amount and duration of procedures you wish to undergo will affect the average price for this surgery. Generally speaking, costs vary, roughly, from 5000 to 60.000 euros. At 2pass Clinic, prices range from 5000 to 40.000 euros, depending on the procedures to be performed.

We realize that for many transgender women, FFS is medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria. It may be as important or even more important than gender reassignment surgery (SRS) to treat gender dysphoria and help trans women integrate socially as women. We therefore believe that the operation should be covered by your basic insurance, but unfortunately we are still far from this ideal. Although health care coverage is increasingly accepting different types of gender reassignment surgery, facial feminization remains part of the “cosmetic” category for many insurers. We have created a web page with an overview of the insurance policy regarding facial feminization surgery in the different countries. 

The Average Price of Facial Feminization Surgery

Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) is a proven way to increase fit and boost your self-confidence. However, the price of FFS is high, and for many, knowing a surgeon's rates helps them make an informed decision. Since most patients have to travel a long way for this surgery, travel and accommodation costs are other factors to consider.

NB! Higher costs do not equal better care or better quality of treatment. Ultimately, it is best to make a decision based on which surgeon can help achieve the desired result.

Testimonial—FFS costs from Jessica

Jessica requested quotes for her full FFS from several surgeons before choosing to have her surgery performed with us. The price difference between the different surgeons was enormous. 


What is the cost of FFS?

This comparison study is based on the price for Jessica's round of a 'Full FFS'* (see video above). She had the following procedures performed:

  • Hairline lowering
  • Type 3 forehead recontouring
  • Nose job
  • Correction and recontouring of the jaw and chin
  • Adam's apple reduction
  • Lipofilling cheeks
  • Lipofilling lips

*What we call a 'Full FFS' generally consists of approximately 4 to 5 major procedures and 1 or 2 minor procedures.

The Cost of Facial Feminization Surgery in Europe

Even within Europe there are large differences between the prices for this operation. Below is a comparison of the price of a full FFS in Belgium versus Spain. 

  1. Prices in Belgium—The cost for the full FFS in Jessica's example above was 23.500 euros. This included a week's stay at the guesthouse, plus all hospital and other surgical costs.
  2. Prices in Spain—A full FFS with all the procedures mentioned above would cost approximately 48.000 euros. This would include an 11-day postoperative stay, as well as all other hospital and surgical costs.

The Cost of Facial Feminization Surgery in the United States

The price of this full FFS in the US would be between 50.000-60.000 dollars (43.000-53.000 euros), including all hospital and surgical costs.

Want to follow Jessica on her FFS journey?

She has her own Youtube Channel where you can see the results and hair recovery!