The hairline is characteristic of perceived gender and is marked by age. Forehead reduction and recontouring, also called hairline lowering, is an important procedure in the context of Facial Feminization Surgery (feminization of the face).
The position of the female hairline can vary. Ideally, the hairline should reach 5 to 6,5 cm above the eyebrows. The hairline would then start where the skull begins to slope from horizontal to diagonally vertical. In men, the hairline is on average higher.
Apart from the position, the shape of the hairline is also different. A man usually has receding inlets above the temples that give the hairline an “M” shape. Conversely, the female hair pattern is fuller around the edge of the face and the shape is more oval.
An additional difference between the male and female hairlines comes with age. There is a typical male pattern of baldness in which the hairline recedes. This is something that usually does not occur in women. Although cisgender women sometimes experience hair loss, it usually involves a general thinning of the hair over the entire scalp and is not manifested in one specific area.
There are 2 options to achieve a hairline reduction. The following indications indicate which option would be recommended for you.