Besides the reduction of the Adam's apple, the feminizing rhinoplasty is probably the most common Facial Feminization Surgery procedure. After all, the nose is the most striking feature of the face. For many trans women, a rhinoplasty means a significant improvement in facial feminization. Refining the nose makes the eyes appear larger, the cheekbones stand out, and the face appears finer overall.
Male noses are usually larger than women's, with a wider nasal bone. Men also have a nose bump more often. Usually, female noses are smaller than men's in all respects. They are more likely to be narrow and straight or have a slight curvature, like a slide. The angle between the male forehead and the nose is sharper than in women and the angle between the nose and lip is also smaller (pointing more upwards). The angle between the nose and the lip is larger in women than in men. Women's nostrils also tend to be smaller.
Standard rhinoplasty techniques can be used to reduce the size (or reshape) of the nose and provide clear feminine contours and proportions. The nose should be in harmony with the rest of the face. When the nose is feminized, the dorsum (ridge of the nose) is usually reduced and the tip of the nose is refined and lifted. Reducing the eyebrow bone ensures a nicer angle between the nose and forehead. If one has thin skin, significant nose reduction can generally be performed. If the skin is quite thick (as is often the case in men), the contours of the nose can usually be refined, but there may be limitations in reducing the size of the nose. Fortunately, just changing the contours can make a nose look much more feminine.