Reduction of jaw angle

Reduction of jaw angle

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Besides the area around the forehead and eyes, the most important feature of a female face is its shape. This is largely determined by the shape of the jaw. A striking lower jaw gives the face a rather square, masculine appearance. Something that is generally not found attractive by women. A reduction of the jaw, or its reshaping, can be a good solution as part of a treatment plan Facial Feminization Surgery

What makes a jaw male or female?

The male jaw is usually heavier and wider because the muscles attached to the corners of the jawbone are larger. Female jawlines often extend into a soft line from the earlobe to the chin. In men, the jawline often runs straight down and then curves sharply at the chin, making the jaw look square.

Male jaw

  • Rather square

Female jaw

  • Gentle curvature from the earlobe to the chin
  • Underlying fat can be removed, excess skin is cut away along the natural crease of the eyelid.
  • The incisions are closed with a very fine suture.

Feminizing the jaw

With the help of a jaw reduction, the shape and size of the jaw can be reduced. The jaw is made rounder and narrower where it is square, at the back of the jawbone. Typically, jaw reduction surgery is combined with chin recontouring to create a harmonious balance between these adjacent areas. 

Patients over the age of 40 may experience some loose skin around the jaw or chin after jaw reduction surgery. This can be partially resolved with a facelift after the original jaw reduction.


  • General anesthesia—Typically, jaw reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Incisions—All incisions are made inside the mouth so that no scars are visible on the outside.
  • Microsaw—The designated areas of prominent bone are cut with a microsaw. This saw is curved in such a way that a nicely rounded contour can be achieved.
  • Sutures—The wound is closed with dissolvable sutures.


  • Hospitalization—Most patients will stay in the clinic for two nights after their jaw reduction surgery.
  • Swelling—Swelling is to be expected but varies widely from person to person. A special mask cools the face and minimizes bruising, swelling and pain. There is usually swelling for a significant amount of time after this procedure. Swelling and bruising will reach their peak about 2 to 3 days after surgery. It takes 6 weeks to 3 months for most of the swelling to subside. On average, it takes about 6 months for all the swelling to subside. 
  • Numbness—Most women experience temporary numbness.
  • Work and sports—If you don't mind being seen with the swelling, you may be able to continue your social activities for 7 to 10 days after surgery. Only after 3 to 4 weeks can you exercise or do heavier physical work.
  • Sutures—The sutures will dissolve on their own in about two weeks.


  • Infection—Infection is possible but rare.
  • Numbness—Partial numbness of part of the jaw due to nerve damage (rare but possible).
  • Asymmetry—Although the surgeon carefully marks the areas he is going to operate on, there may be asymmetries. These can always be corrected afterwards.