Eyebrow lift

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At Facial Feminization Surgery An eyebrow lift is almost always combined with a recontouring of the forehead and a lowering of the hairline. These procedures use the same incision. The arch as well as the position of the eyebrows are influenced by the shape of the frontal bone that lies underneath. That is why, when feminizing the forehead, it is very important to correct the position and shape of the eyebrows with an eyebrow lift, after the recontouring of the forehead has been carried out.

Gender of the eyebrow

Male eyebrow

  • Just below the upper edge of the eye socket
  • Straight and thick

Female eyebrow

  • At or just above the upper edge of the eye socket
  • More curved (slightly higher on the outer half than on the inner two halves) and thinner

Feminize the eyebrows

An eyebrow lift is a well-known procedure in plastic surgery that is usually undergone by older genetic women to give the area above the eyes a youthful and fresh look. An eyebrow lift opens the area above the eyes, making you appear less strict and tired.

During the operation, the skin of the entire forehead is lifted, raising the eyebrows.


  • For a serious eyebrow lift with a long-lasting result, the skin of the forehead must be fully mobilized. This means that the skin must be loosened from the skull during the operation. There are 2 options:
    • An incision deep in the hair (bicoronal incision). The disadvantage of this incision is that the hairline is moved back when lifting the scalp. Moving the hairline back is almost never desirable.
    • Or an incision of just a few millimeters in the hair, the so-called hairline incision (see hairline lowering in one stage). This is the one that is usually chosen.
  • To ensure that the facial nerve is not damaged, we choose the plane of dissection directly above the bone under a very tight membrane covering the outer surface of the frontal bone, the so-called periosteum.
  • To mobilize the eyebrows, a periosteum incision can be made just below the eyebrows.
  • Once the eyebrows have been brought into the desired position, the incision is expertly closed again.


Recovery after an eyebrow lift usually proceeds without many problems. Bruises may appear that disappear after 2 to 3 weeks. The swelling will be minimal.


  • Undercorrection (too little lift);
  • Overcorrection (surprised look);
  • Depending on the type of incision, there may be hypertrophic scars (hairline incision) or too high a hairline (bicoronal incision).