The shape and position of male and female hairlines is an important gender characteristic. While male pattern hair loss is undesirable for most men, it can be particularly troubling for trans women because it serves as a physical sign of an undesirable male phenotype. A receding hairline or a bald spot on the crown can be a major problem in completing a masculine to feminine appearance.
Of course, hairpieces or wigs can be worn to cover this male pattern baldness, but these "solutions" are simply not the permanent solution most people want. Most trans women want to wear their own growing, real hair in a way and style that suits their desired gender and taste.
Simply put, a hair transplant takes hair from an area where you have enough hair, and transfers it to an area where you don't have enough hair. It is usually taken from the back of the head, but can also be taken from other parts of the body.
The newly transplanted hair will fall out after a few weeks, but the transplanted hair roots will grow new hair within 3-6 months.
The technique we use in the 2pass Clinic is the FUE (Follicle Unit Extraction) method with shaving.
The number of hair follicles (grafts) that can be used for a hair transplant is limited. The donor area contains approximately 5.500 grafts that can be used for a hair transplant. It is therefore not only about determining how many grafts are needed to improve the hairline, but also about the maximum number of grafts that can be used. The average man needs up to 560 grafts and the average woman needs 300 to 500 grafts. Each graft can contain 1 to 4 hairs. Covering a quarter bald spot requires a few hundred grafts, while a larger bald area closer to the size of an open hand may require a few thousand. The only way to accurately determine how many follicles you need to achieve your goal is to consult with one of our specialists and discuss your goal one-on-one.
Usually there are 2 sessions necessary to achieve a natural-looking result (requiring 50 to 60 hairs per cm²). Per session can we maximum 40 hairs per cm² implant.
The cost of a transsexual hair transplant varies greatly from patient to patient, so it is difficult to generalize these costs. The costs will be determined during your consultation.
The results will become visible 60 days after the procedure. About 14 to 21 days after the procedure, your newly transplanted hairs will begin to fall out, but fear not, this is normal. The roots of the hairs are still under the skin and new strong hairs will grow from them in the coming months. About 6 months after your surgery, approximately 70% of the follicles will have new hair. The remaining hairs can take up to a year to fully develop.
Yes, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment can help improve blood circulation and speed up the recovery process. Read more about it on our blog.
According to most patients, a hair transplant is not a painful experience. Patients are always given local anesthesia and antibiotic pills to relieve discomfort. Most patients report that the procedure is pain-free and does not require patient recovery.