Removal of genital hair

Removal of genital hair

Table of contents:

Electrolysis is mainly used to remove facial hair, but it is effective on your entire body, including the genital area. Most surgeons who perform sex reassignment surgery (SRS) strongly recommend having genital electrolysis performed beforehand. Please note: the anal area is not treated.

How much hair needs to be removed from the genital area for gender reassignment surgery?

Why Genital Electrolysis Before SRS? Can't do without it?

How does it work?

Genital electrolysis is performed prior to SRS to prevent problems from developing in the new vagina. In most patients, the area between the anus and part of the scrotum will be used to create the back wall of the vagina. The area from the scrotum to the base of the penis will also be used to create the vagina. For most patients who require a skin graft for vaginoplasty, skin from the scrotum is used.

The main reason for having the hair removed in that area is that there is a high risk of infection of the hair follicles. This risk may be even higher due to the friction you experience against that part of the skin during dilation, but also during sex, for example. And because the skin is no longer visible after the operation, because it is folded inward, it cannot be removed later.

Many SRS surgeons emphasize that patients should undergo genital hair removal prior to SRS because it greatly affects the surgery and its outcome. Some may advise against an SRS if there is still hair in the area used for the neo-vagina.

Laser or electrolysis for genital hair removal?

Although we have a laser machine at 2pass Clinic, we strongly recommend that you opt for electrolysis. Laser has been proven not to be permanent, and since genital hair removal usually cannot be performed after surgery, in our opinion there is no room to experiment with unproven technology. 

Note: Many surgeons use a “scraping” technique during surgery, where they scrape away the hair follicles, but results show that this is ineffective and can even make recovery more difficult (e.g. ingrown hairs). We recommend that you rely on electrolysis.

How much hair needs to be removed from the genital area before the operation?

Vaginoplasty, which uses Penile Inversion, is the most common technique for gender reassignment surgery.

  • During the operation, the skin of the penis is used to construct the vagina and the scrotal skin to create the labia.
  • Some SRS surgeons use a perineal skin flap at the back of the vagina, it is best to undergo electrolysis in this area. 
  • It is recommended to remove the hair around the base of the penis and the hair on the midline between the anus and the penis.
  • If you plan to start genital electrolysis, talk to your surgeon about their preferences.


How much hair needs to be removed

Should I have more hair removed as a precaution?

As we have explained, the illustrated area is the only area that will be used to construct the vagina and therefore the only area where it is mandatory to have the hair removed. If you have a lot of hair around this area, some hair growth near the vagina can be expected. This isn't a problem, it just depends on what you prefer. If you want to have more hair removed, you are free to do so for aesthetic reasons.

Practical: genital electrolysis timeline

  • You should take into account a treatment period of one year for genital electrolysis, although in some cases it is faster (at least 7 months). All parties should note that electrolysis is a gradual process and it may take a year or more to completely clear an area of ​​hair.
  • Since the complete hair growth cycle of genital hair is between 5 and 7 months, at least this time frame is required for all hair to be completely removed.
  • In the resting phase (telogen phase) of the hair cycle, destroying the hair is less effective because it is not connected to the hair's growth center (papilla). Unlike facial hair, where approximately 30 percent of the hair is in the resting phase, in the pubic area this is 70 percent. This means that electrolysis is less 'effective' in this area and it takes longer to completely depilate the area.
  • A hair in the pubic area is in the resting phase for about 12 weeks, and is then active for 2 to 4 months. It is best to maintain an interval of 6 weeks between the different treatments so that there are sufficient 'new hairs' each session.
  • On average you need 6 cycles of electrolysis.
  • We recommend that you complete your genital electrolysis at least six weeks before the procedure, and preferably even 8 weeks. This gives your skin time to recover in the event of a complication (e.g. an infection), as this can take at least a month. 

The average time frame for genital electrolysis

  • The average time frame looks like this, but because hair density varies from person to person, it is not 100% correct for everyone:
    • 1st session: Book an intensive treatment for the first session (8 hours with local anesthesia). Please note: 2 different electrologists will work with you: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Genital electrolysis is very demanding for the electrologist. A whole day is too physically demanding. Also, longer breaks are necessary to be able to fully maintain focus.
      • 6 weeks rest
    • 2nd session: one day of intensive treatment
      • 6 weeks rest
    • 3rd session: half a day of intensive treatment
      • 6 weeks rest
    • 4th session: 2 hours
      • 6 weeks rest
    • 5th session: 1 hours
      • 6 weeks rest
    • 6th session: 0,5 hours
      • 1 week rest
    • Remaining hair: come every week for 15 minutes of genital electrolysis to remove any hair that still appears if necessary.

So on average we need about 20 hours to depilate the genital area (this will cost about 2000 euros if you choose to do it with local anesthesia) and on average the total time frame for this would be about 1 year.

Preparation for genital electrolysis

  • Shave the genital area 10 days before electrolysis — Because after shaving all the hairs, only active hair follicles grow back, and this allows us to be more effective (the other hairs cannot be destroyed at this stage anyway).
  • Iso-betadine soap — Hygiene before and after treatment is of utmost importance, as there is a high risk of skin infections with genital electrolysis. We recommend using liquid Betadine soap in the shower the morning of your genital electrolysis. This can also be useful in the days after genital electrolysis. You should be very strict about hygiene when undergoing genital electrolysis, especially if the treatment takes place close to your surgery date.

Your genital electrolysis

  • It is normal to feel nervous and embarrassed before your first genital electrolysis session. Please know that this is a routine treatment for us, and we will try to make you as comfortable as possible.
  • If possible, we use the highest settings of the genital electrolysis machine to destroy a large number of hairs. Because the hair cycle is slower than the facial cycle and therefore takes longer, a high setting will speed up the process considerably. A side effect of this may be a higher risk of scarring.
  • The skin itself is soft, wrinkled and rubbery in texture, and the follicles can be very 'tight' in some clients. It is essential to carefully stretch the skin around the follicle to be treated. The needle may need to be pushed more forcefully into the follicle than in other places.
  • Removing genital hair is often more painful than removing facial hair. Local anesthesia can significantly reduce pain. Most people find genital electrolysis more painful than facial hair removal. Some people find pain relief through painkillers and/or EMLA (anaesthetic ointment) sufficient, while others consider local anesthesia necessary.
  • It is very important to take very careful care of the skin after treatment to prevent infection and promote healing.

Recovery and aftercare

  • After treatment, the skin may be red and even slightly swollen. This varies from patient to patient. It is very important to maintain good hygiene if you undergo genital electrolysis, especially if the treatment takes place close to your surgery date.
  • After electrolysis, the skin is more susceptible to infections. We provide a lotion to prevent this and to help your skin heal after the treatment.
  • The skin around the scrotum sometimes heals more slowly from electrolysis than other parts of the body.

Read more about aftercare.