The first steps to FFS

Many pieces fell into place in a short time when Nicky discovered who she has wanted to be for years and has always been. Nicky is a WOMAN, one who has always been and remained herself. “I had accepted my feminine qualities and yet unconsciously also suppressed them, so as not to be classified into those boxes devised by society,” she said.

In October 2020, she decided to undergo Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) with Dr. Bart van de Ven in our 2pass Clinic. She talks extensively about her experience through her YouTube and Instagram channels and has recorded her entire transition in a vlog series.

In consultation with our surgeon Dr. Bart van de Ven chose Nicky for the following procedures:

The surgical team performing the FFS
Nicky seeing her face for the first time after her operation

In June 2021, Nicky came by for her post-operative consultation and she immediately blew us away: even prettier, more confident and happy as her true self! Thank you for your trust and willingness to share your story with everyone!

Follow her story in her vlog series

This is her initial consultation and the run-up to her surgery:

Follow her during her surgery:

Watch her post-operative consultation here:

Watch all her vlog updates from the beginning: